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FORMCYCLE deploy-plugin plugin

Modified on Thu, 20 Jul, 2023 at 10:40 AM

This is a plugin for deploying plugin to formcycle, hence the name formcycle deploy-plugin plugin.

The deploy plugin lets you upload and install plugins to formcycle automatically. Compared with a manual installation via the backend menu, this offers several advantages:

  • Plugin developers can integrate the deployment process into the Maven build process. This allows for faster testing, rapid development and does not necessitate a context switch that might slow down developers.
  • It allows the installation of formcycle to be automated even further.

You can install the deploy plugin both as a client as well as a system plugin. If the former, you can only modify plugin of that cilent.  It contains a servlet action for sending a plugin JAR file via an HTTP POST request. Depending on the other HTTP parameters, the plugin is either installed, updated, or deleted.

The uploaded plugin may already exist in the system. In this this, you usually want to update plugin - not have it installed twice. This requires a way to identify whether a plugin exists already. The servlet action allows for five different possibilities:

  • (recommended) (default) The plugin is identified based on the Plugin-Key (and optionally Plugin-File-Key) entry in the manifest. Since version 8 of formcycle, all plugins must have such an entry with the  unique ID of the plugin. The manifest needs to be located at META-INF/MANIFEST.MF in the plugin JAR file. Plugins that consist of multiple files must specify the same Plugin-Key and a different Plugin-File-Key.
  • (deprecated) The plugin is identified based on an entry in its manifest, such as the group ID or artifact ID. The manifest needs to be located at META-INF/MANIFEST.MF in the plugin JAR file Make sure you prepare the JAR file properly when building the plugin. This method is slightly harder to setup, but offers the advantage that the identifier always remains the same and does not depend on the file name or some internal ID.
  • (deprecated) The plugin is identified based on its name, i.e. the file name of the upload JAR file. This is also the name as it is shown in the plugin menu.
  • (deprecated) The plugin is identified based on its internal database ID. This ID is not shown in the UI currently and should only be used by developers.
  • (deprecated) The plugin is identified based on its UUID. This ID is not shown in the UI currently and should only be used by developers.

By default, a servlet action is accessible to everybody. For non local installations, you do not want anonymous users modifying the installed plugins. To secure the servlet, you can specify a password in the plugin configuration. You then need to include this password in the HTTP POST request.

Plugin configuration

You can optionally set a password for securing the access to the plugin deploy servlet. If you do, you need to include the password in the HTTP POST request to authorize that request.

Specify the token by entering a value for the plugin property token. It must be entered in the following format:


The following hash methods are available.

Identity function. Lets you enter a plain text password.
SHA-256 algorithm.
SHA-384 algorithm.
SHA-512 algorithm.

To enter the password admin as plain text, use:


To enter the password admin hashed with SHA-256, use:


The hash is salted. You can generate a valid hash for a given password via the create-token servlet, see below.

Deploy servlet

The following describes the structure of the HTTP request you need to adhere to in order to install, update, or delete a plugin. The HTTP method must be POST, other methods will result in an error. The endpoint URL is as follows (change the name of the formcycle server and the client ID):

POST http://localhost:8080/formcycle/plugin?name=deploy-plugin&client-id=154 HTTP/1.1

The client-id is not required in case the plugin is installed as a system plugin.

Request parameter

You can specify the parameters either directly as URL parameters, or as multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form-urlencoded. The following parameters are available and supported by the plugin deploy servlet:

Action to be performed on the plugin. Allowed values are save, update-properties, activate, deactivate and delete. See below for a description of each method.

ID of the client where the plugin is installed, updated, or deleted. You must specify only one of client-id or client-uuid.

UUID of the client where the plugin is installed, updated, or deleted. You must specify only one of client-id or client-uuid. Please note that a plugin installed as a client plugin always required the parameter client-id.

Binary data of the JAR file with the plugin (required only when installing or updating the plugin).

The token (password) for authorizing the request. Required only when the a token was set in the plugin configuration.

The method used for searching an already existing plugin, see above. The following methods are supported:
Identifies a plugin based on the Plugin-Key and Plugin-File-Key entry in its manifest.
Identifies a plugin based on an entry in its manifest.
Identifies a plugin based on its database ID.
Identifies a plugin based on its name (the file name of the plugin JAR file).
Identifies a plugin based on its UUID.
Identifier of the plugin that should be installed, updated, or deleted. The exact meaning of this parameter depends on the chosed plugin-identmethod:
plugin-identifier must contain the key (and optionally the file key) of the plugin, in the format [key]/[fileKey]. The file key is optional, when no file key is required, omit the final slash.
plugin-identifier must contain the name of the manifest property and its value, in the format Attribute-Name=value. For example, if this property is set to Implementation-Title=com.example.fc.plugin:my-plugin, this will search for a plugin with a manifest entry Implementation-Title set to com.example.fc.plugin:my-plugin.
plugin-identifier must contain the data base ID of the target plugin, such as 53 or 893.
plugin-identifier must contain the name of the target plugin, such as my-plugin.jar or foobar.jar.
plugin-identifier must contain the UUID of the target plugin, such as 03022599-903d-429b-9822-80a324a542fc.
Either true or false. If set to true, all plugin property values are cleared. This is done before the new properties (see parameter property) are applied.

Name and value of a plugin property to set, in the format key=value. This HTTP parameter may be specified multiple times if you want set multiple properties. For example, if set to database.username=john, this sets the plugin property database.username to john.

Either true or false. When this is set to true and the plugin does not exists yet (as determined by the given plugin-ident and plugin-identifier parameters), the plugin is not installed and an error is returned. Otherwise, when set to false, the plugin is installed if it does not exists yet and updated if it does.

The language to be used when the plugin is modified, such as en or de. May affect some error messages. Usually this parameter is not neccessary.

Deploy actions

The value of the parameter deploy-action specifies what should happen with the selected plugin. The following actions are available:

Transmits the plugin to the formcycle server. You need to specify a JAR file. If the plugin does not exists yet (and the parameters disallow-install is not set), the plugin is installed and activated. Otherwise, if the plugin exists already, it is only updated and left active or inactive. For example:
# Installs or updates the given plugin.
 curl -X POST \
   -F deploy-action=save \
   -F token=admin \
   -F plugin-ident=key \
   -F plugin-identifier=84477e1c-19d2-4c09-a0a3-ae3457812b7e \
   -F "[email protected]" \

Deletes the given plugin. You must not specify a JAR file. If the specified plugin does not exist yet, an error is returned. For example:
# Deletes the plugin
 curl -X POST \
   -F deploy-action=delete \
   -F token=admin \
   -F plugin-ident=key \
   -F plugin-identifier=84477e1c-19d2-4c09-a0a3-ae3457812b7e \

Activates the given plugin. You must not specify a JAR file. If the specified plugin is already active, no action is performed an a success is returned. For example:
# Activates the given plugin
 curl -X POST \
   -F deploy-action=activate \
   -F token=admin \
   -F plugin-ident=key \
   -F plugin-identifier=84477e1c-19d2-4c09-a0a3-ae3457812b7e \

Deactivates the given plugin. You must not specify a JAR file. If the specified plugin is already inactive, no action is performed an a success is returned. For example:
# Deactivates the given plugin
 curl -X POST \
   -F deploy-action=deactivate \
   -F token=admin \
   -F plugin-ident=key \
   -F plugin-identifier=84477e1c-19d2-4c09-a0a3-ae3457812b7e \

Updates the properties of the given plugin. You must not specify a JAR file. You should specify at least one of clear-properties or property. If the given plugin does not exist yet, an error is returned. For example:
# Delete all existing plugin properties and set the property //foo// to //bar//
 curl -X POST \
   -F deploy-action=update-properties \
   -F token=admin \
   -F plugin-ident=key \
   -F plugin-identifier=84477e1c-19d2-4c09-a0a3-ae3457812b7e \
   -F clear-properties=false \ 
   -F property=foo=bar \


The plugin deploy servet returns a status code and a JSON object with the details. The status code is 2xx if (and only if) the deploy servlet was executed successfully.

The JSON object that is returned adheres to the following JSON schema:

    "$schema": "",
    "description": "Represents the response of the deploy plugin servlet.",
    "required": [
    "properties": {
        "success": {
            "type": "boolean",
            "title": "Success status",
            "description": "true if the deploy plugin servlet was executed successfully, or false otherwise"
        "statusCode": {
            "type": "number",
            "title": "HTTP status code",
            "description": "The status code of the HTTP request that contains this response."
        "details": {
            "type": "object",
            "title": "Result details",
            "description": "Detailed information about the plugin processed by the deploy plugin servlet.",
            "oneOf": [
                    "description": "If the deploy plugin servlet was successful, details about the successfully executed action.",
                    "required": [
                    "properties": {
                        "id": {
                            "type": "number",
                            "title": "Plugin ID",
                            "description": "The database ID of the processed plugin."
                        "uuid": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "title": "Plugin UUID",
                            "description": "The UUID of the processed plugin."
                        "name": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "title": "Plugin name",
                            "description": "The name of the processed plugin, i.e. the file name of the plugin JAR file."
                        "active": {
                            "type": "boolean",
                            "title": "Plugin activation status",
                            "description": "true if the plugin is now active, false if it is now inactive."
                        "message": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "title": "Result message",
                            "description": "Human-readable message describing the performed action."
                    "required": [
                    "description": "If the deploy plugin servlet was unsuccessful, details about the error that occurred.",
                    "properties": {
                        "exceptionType": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "title": "Exception type",
                            "description": "The type of the error that occurred, a fully-classified name of the Java exception class."
                        "exceptionMessage": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "title": "Exception message",
                            "description": "The human-readable message of the error that occurred."
        "message": {
            "type": "string",
            "title": "Result message",
            "description": "A human-readable message that describes this result."
        "requestParameters": {
            "type": "object",
            "title": "Request parameters",
            "description": "The parameters of the request that triggered this response."

Example for a response when a plugin was updated successfully:

 "success": true,
 "requestParameters": {
  "plugin-ident": ["key"],
  "name": ["deploy-plugin"],
  "client-id": ["1"],
  "deploy-action": ["save"],
  "plugin-identifier": ["84477e1c-19d2-4c09-a0a3-ae3457812b7e"],
  "token": ["admin"]
 "details": {
  "name": "my-plugin.jar",
  "active": true,
  "id": 203,
  "message": "Plugin saved successfully.",
  "uuid": "2fe3e1ba-cb32-434e-9f59-4422f8dabcad"
 "message": "Plugin saved successfully.",
 "statusCode": 200

Example for a response when a plugin could not be deleted:

 "success": false,
 "requestParameters": {
  "plugin-ident": ["key"],
  "name": ["deploy-plugin"],
  "client-id": ["1"],
  "deploy-action": ["delete"],
  "plugin-identifier": ["84477e1c-19d2-4c09-a0a3-ae3457812b7e"],
  "token": ["admin"]
 "details": {
  "exceptionType": "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException",
  "exceptionMessage": "Deploy action 'delete' requires an existing pluign, but none was found."
 "message": "class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Deploy action 'delete' requires an existing pluign, but none was found.",
 "statusCode": 404

Create token servlet

This servlet lets you create a hash for a password that you can enter in the plugin property token. Make an HTTP GET request to the following URL (change to path to the formcycle server and the client ID):


The password to hash.
Hash method, default to sha256. Supported values are plain, sha256, sha384 and sha512.

This returns a JSON object with the same schema as returned by the plugin deploy servlet. For example:

 "success": true,
 "requestParameters": {
  "name": ["create-token"],
  "client-id": ["1"],
  "token": ["admin"]
 "details": {
  "method": "sha256",
  "token": "sha256:S+32GI3fWXwHHulUMtWmjpQ15EqMvgVYguuO9SKxfNw+ckAGQljP6tKlf1EITnU7"
 "message": "Hash token created successfully",
 "statusCode": 200

Maven deploy plugin

To upload a plugin to formcycle after building a plugin project via Maven, you can use the maven deploy plugin. It is available from the XIMA artifactory (please note you may need the correct permissions to access this artifact).

Recommendations for your plugin project

While the Maven plugin offers a wide variety of options, the default settings are usually sufficient. We recommend the following steps for your plugin:

Add this code snippet to the profile section of the pom.xml:

Since version 8 of formcycle, all plugins must have a key with a unique identifier. You must ensure that the MANIFEST is prepared correctly. You can do so e.g. with the maven-assembly-plugin plugin:
Now you can build the plugin via Maven and upload it to a running formcycle app:
mvn fc-deploy:deploy


If required, you can also adjust the configuration of the plugin.


The plugin offers the following configurable settings:

url [Default value: http://localhost:8080/xima-formcycle]
URL to the formcycle server, including the context path, such as http://localhost:8080/formcycle. Can a be set via the system property -DfcDeployUrl=....
pluginName [Default value: deploy-plugin]
Name of the deploy plugin, the value for the parameter name. Usually you do not need to change this.
clientId [Default value: <empty>]
ID of the client with the plugin to be installed, updated, or deleted. When not given, uses the system scope. Corresponds to the parameter client-id of the plugin deploy servlet, see above. Can also be set via the system property -DfcDeployClientId=...
Alternative for clientUUID. The UUID of the client with the plugin to be installed, updated, or deleted.Corresponds to the parameter client-uuid of the plugin deploy servlet, see above.
token [Standardwert: admin]
Password for the plugin deploy servlet, if one was set in the plugin configuration. Can also be set via the system property -DfcDeployToken=...
deployAction [Default value: save]
Method to be executed. Allowed values are save, update-properties, activate, deactivate and delete. Corresponds to the parameter deploy-action of the plugin deploy servlet, see above.
pluginIdent [Default value: key]
The method for identifying existing plugins. Corresponds to the parameter plugin-ident of the plugin deploy servlet, see above.
pluginIdentifier [Default value: (Value of the Plugin-Key entry from the pom.xml)]
Identifier of the plugin to be installed, updated, or deleted. Corresponds to the parameter plugin-identifier of the plugin deploy servlet, see above.
jarFile [Default value: Haupt-Build-Artifakt des Maven-Projekts]
Path to the JAR file to be uploaded, relative to the base directory of the maven project.
disallowInstall [Default value: false]
When set to true and the plugin does not exists yet, the plugin is not installed and an error is returned. Corresponds to the parameter disallow-install of the plugin deploy servlet, see above.
locale [Standardwert: en]
Language for the installations. Corresponds to the parameter locale of the plugin deploy servlet, see above.
clearProperties [Default value: false]
Clears all properties of the plugin. Corresponds to the parameter clear-properties of the plugin deploy servlet, see above.
Key value pair with the properties to be set on the plugin. Corresponds to the parameter property of the plugin deploy servlet, see above.

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